Onderzoek naar medisch ethische aspecten rondom seksualiteit en zwangerschap
Op dit ogenblik verdiept M.E.R.T. zich speciaal in het onderwerp abortus. Via de media komt regelmatig informatie hierover naar de burger. Vaak wordt dat gerelateerd aan voorbeelden uit en de situatie in Amerika. Maar hoeveel kennis over abortus is er aanwezig bij de bevolking van Nederland.
Het is de bedoeling dat hierna her en der in het land andere enquêtes en interviews op straat en in openbare gelegenheden zullen volgen, zodat duidelijk wordt welke kennisleemtes er zijn bij de bevolking in den breedte. Na elk onderzoek zullen de resultaten worden gepubliceerd op deze website, gedeeld in de media en/of worden aangeboden aan de politiek. Opdat de kennis over deze medisch ethische onderwerpen wordt vergroot.
Daarom houdt M.E.R.T. door het gehele land enquêtes op straat om te peilen wat de burger weet. Niet hoe men denkt over abortus, maar van welke feiten zijn de burgers op de hoogte. Feiten die zijn te vinden in informatie van de overheid en andere bronnen.
Abstract Aim: The goal of this retrospective cohort study was to analyze the relationship between induced abortion and the incidence of depression, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder, and somatoform disorder in Germany. Methods: Women who had undergone induced abortions for the first time in 281 gynecological practices in Germany between January 2007 a
Een longitudinale cohortstudie naar de psychische gezondheid van vrouwen die een abortus meemaken
Abstract Background Given the methodological limitations of recently published qualitative reviews of abortion and mental health, a quantitative synthesis was deemed necessary to represent more accurately the published literature and to provide clarity to clinicians.
Abstract Background A case series report based on the Turnaway Study has previously concluded that 99% of women with a history of abortion will continue to affirm satisfaction with their decisions to abort. Those findings have been called into question due to a low participation rate (31%) and reliance on a single yes/no assessment of decision satisfaction.
Voor de toepassing van het bij of krachtens deze wet bepaalde wordt verstaan onder: Onze Minister: Onze Minister van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne; inspecteur: de inspecteur van de Inspectie gezondheidszorg en jeugd; arts: degene die bevoegd is de titel van arts te voeren, alsmede, voor zover het betreft de arts, bedoeld in artikel 3, tweede lid, degene die in het land waar hij is gevestigd, het beroep van arts wettig uitoefent;
The Turnaway Study is ANSIRH’s prospective longitudinal study examining the effects of unwanted pregnancy on women’s lives.
A case series report based on the Turnaway Study has previously concluded that 99% of women with a history of abortion will continue to affirm satisfaction with their decisions to abort. Those findings have been called into question due to a low participation rate (31%) and reliance on a single yes/no assessment of decision satisfaction.
CONTEXT Understanding women's reasons for having abortions can inform public debate and policy regarding abortion and unwanted pregnancy. Demographic changes over the last two decades highlight the need for a reassessment of why women decide to have abortions. METHODS In 2004, a structured survey was completed by 1,209 abortion patients at 11 large providers, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 38 women at four sites.
Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions TABLE 2. Percentage of women reporting that specified reasons contributed to their decision to have an abortion, 2004 and 1987 Reason 2004 1987 (N=1,160) (N=1,900) Having a baby would dramatically change my life 74 78* Would interfere with education 38 36 Would interfere with job/employment/career 38 50*** Have other children or dependents 32 22***
Table 2 Major themes and reasons women gave for seeking abortion (n=954) From: Understanding why women seek abortions in the US Freq. Percent Not financially prepared 386 40% General financial 365 38% Unemployed/underemployed 41 4% Uninsured or can't get welfare
Abstract Objective: To estimate the immediate adverse events and safety of medical compared with surgical abortion using high-quality registry data. Methods: All women in Finland undergoing induced abortion from 2000-2006 with a gestational duration of 63 days or less (n=42,619) were followed up until 42 days postabortion using national health registries. The incidence and risk factors of adverse events aft
bstract Globally, a substantial proportion of pregnancies end in induced (particularly medication) abortion. However, data also indicates a percentage of women who seek assistance in potentially reversing the medication abortion process. While previous literature has suggested the potential for progesterone-mediated reversal of mifepristone-induced abortion, this process has not been effectively investigated pre-clinically.
Date: December 5, 2019 Source: University of California - Davis Health Summary: Women who initiate medical abortion but opt to stop in the middle of treatment may be at risk for serious blood loss, a study finds. Researchers found this is true even for women who use an experimental treatment that claims to 'reverse' the effects of the abortion pill. The study provides important insights into the safety of using high doses of progesterone during early pregnancy to try to stop a medical abortion.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the immediate adverse events and safety of medical compared with surgical abortion using high-quality registry data. METHODS: All women in Finland undergoing induced abortion from 2000 –2006 with a gestational duration of 63 days or less (n42,619) were followed up until 42 days postabortion using national health registries.
Abstract Introduction Existing research on postabortion emergency room visits is sparse and limited by methods which underestimate the incidence of adverse events following abortion. Postabortion emergency room (ER) use since Food and Drug Administration approval of chemical abortion in 2000 can identify trends in the relative morbidity burden of chemical versus surgical procedures.
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